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Rewrite Your Story

Mar 01, 2016

I'm so grateful for the extra day I received yesterday. It's wild to think back to the last leap year because unbeknownst to me at the time, I was experiencing some of my darkest days and I'm sure whatever I was doing with those extra 24 hours was nothing to marvel at. I had no idea that a shift in my perception would occur in just about a years time, altering my world in such a profoundly positive way. This leap year, I spent those extra 24 hours learning from some of the most brilliant doctors in the world. I even found 20 minutes to get to the beach during lunch where I stumbled upon this awesome whale bone and heart shaped rock after meditating.

Our thoughts become our actions and those choices create our reality. When we shift ourselves into a state of consciousness, we start living in the field of pure potentiality. The past is important because it makes us who we are, but you can rewrite the new story of your life at any point. You can restart your day at any point. All we have is the present moment, and it truly is just that...a beautiful gift. Happy March, each moment today!! #namaste๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ•‰